Monday to Saturday: 8:30am - 6:30pm

We Help Customers to Solve Car Problems

Emergency Contact

Phone Numbers

012-887 6609
082-628 615

Physical Address​

Sublot 16 Lee Ling Heights
Lorong Kedai Lee Ling Heights 4,
1/2 mile, Jalan Penrissen
93250 Kuching Sarawak

Friendly Team

You Can Trust Your Car To Us

0 +
Years Of Experience
0 +
Hours Of Maintenance
0 +
Happy Cars


Showcase Video

We Do Our Best


Auto Services​

From revitalizing your air-conditioning system to fine-tuning engines and expert air-conditional repairs, we ensure your vehicle runs at its peak performance.

Detailing Services

Discover a new level of brilliance with our car detailing services, including precision car lamp polishing and flawless car painting.


Heavy-Duty Services

From routine maintenance to specialized repairs, our expertise extends seamlessly from standard vehicles to heavy-duty counterparts, delivering comprehensive solutions for all your automotive requirements.


Heavy-Duty Solutions

Maximize Productivity with Our JCB Excavators, JCB Forklifts, and Road Rollers Services. Trust us for reliable solutions that keep your construction equipment in peak condition, maximizing productivity on every project.

We Only Provide Quality

Second-Hand Cars

Second-Hand Cars for Sale

With affordable pricing and a variety of makes and models, finding your ideal pre-owned car has never been easier.

Car Tradings

Whether you're into flipping cars for a profit, trading for an upgrade, or seeking flexible car loans, we've got you covered.

Bank & Personal Loans

We provide car loans from premier banks such as Affin, Chailease, Maybank, and others. Besides, for those with a commendable financial track record, our personalized service further extends to offer convenient personal loans tailored to your needs.

Supported Loans

Contact Us

Phone Numbers

012-887 6609
082-628 615

Physical Address​

Sublot 16 Lee Ling Heights
Lorong Kedai Lee Ling Heights 4,
1/2 mile, Jalan Penrissen
93250 Kuching Sarawak

Open Hours

Monday-Saturday: 8:30am-6:30pm
Sunday: Closed

Email Address
